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Definition of health

How my First Pregnancy Taught me the True Meaning of Health

Nutritionkellypuryear4 Comments

I WAS a health freak and perfectionist. As a former athlete, a personal trainer, and a Dietitian, I used to pride myself in being the epitome of health and sought out to make a career out of helping others achieve “optimal health.” The problem was, however, that I didn’t even know what the true meaning of “health” was for me, and I was actually very unhealthy for a very long time … That was until I became pregnant with my first child and my “perfect” world was thrown upside down (for the better) and I was smacked in the face with the undeniable truth behind the word “healthy.” If I haven’t lost your attention yet and you find yourself in a similar boat, read on to learn how my first pregnancy taught me the true meaning of health.