Fuel for the Soul

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Free Fitness Friday: Full-Body Resistance Training Intervals

Fitness, Workoutkellypuryear2 Comments

Happy Friday, friends! Another work-week has come and gone, but not without a Free Fitness Friday workout to kick-start the weekend! This full-body interval workout is perfect for a quick strength training session that is sure to get your heart-rate up, burn some serious calories, and burn off some work-week stress!

This week's Free Fitness Friday workout: Full-Body Resistance Training Intervals

Resistance Training


To complete this workout, you will need a timer, 1 moderate-weight dumbbell (10-15 lbs), a resistance band, 1 light-weight plate (10-20 lbs), and a high box, bench, or step. Be sure to warm up for 3-5 minutes before beginning the workout and cool-down for 3-5 minutes after the workout!

Set your timer for 40 seconds of exercise ("on") with 20 seconds of rest ("off") and complete Round 1 and Round 2 twice (4 rounds total) for a quick and effective 20-minute workout.

Round 1:

  1. Side lunge with shoulder press (left leg and right arm with one dumbbell)
  2. Squat with front raise (with the resistance band)
  3. Single leg step up and opposite side leg lift (right leg on box and left leg lift)
  4. Wide squat and "around the world" (with weighted plate)
  5. V-sit with Russian twist and dumbbell press (with one dumbbell)

Round 2:

  1. Side lunge with shoulder press (right leg and left arm with one dumbbell)
  2. Squat with front raise (with the resistance band)
  3. Single leg step up and opposite side leg lift (left leg on box and right leg lift)
  4. Wide squat and "around the world" (with weighted plate)
  5. V-sit with Russian twist and dumbbell press (with one dumbbell)

Check out this short video for demonstration of how to perform each exercise! And feel free to contact me with any questions on how to performed these exercises with proper technique!

Now go and have a great workout and a wonderful weekend ahead!