Fuel for the Soul

Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul

Essential Minerals

The Importance of Eating Fruit and How to Pick out the Perfect Fruit


Please don't fall for the myth that "fruit is bad for you!" I can't tell you how many times a client, family member, or friend asks me "is fruit really bad for you because it's loaded with sugar?" but I can tell you my response is ALWAYS "no way!" … so please EAT THE FRUIT! Now that I made my point, let's move on to a more challenging topic - picking out the perfect fruit! To help you figure out how to pick out the perfect fruit any time of the year, I enlisted the help of Julissa Garcia from Shari's Berries !!

The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals


Keeping your body healthy can be a complicated process, and with
different sources throwing a huge range of information at you, it can be hard
to decipher fact from fiction. Juggling work, a social life, and getting enough
sleep along with exercising and eating healthy can be a big task, and that is
before you even consider making sure that you get enough vitamins and other important
nutrients! Read on to learn more about these important vitamins and how to meet your daily needs with natural food sources!

Nutrition Tip Tuesday: Preventing Iron Deficiency with Iron-Rich Foods


It is well known that Iron is an important nutrient for optimal health, but many individuals may not know how much Iron they need each day and which foods contain the largest amount of Iron. A dear friend of mine who is pregnant with her second child asked me how she can increase her Iron intake without taking more pills or eating too much red meat during her pregnancy. If she has this question, then I know others may have the same question! So this week's Nutrition Tip is all about Iron and the best food sources for this essential mineral.