Fuel for the Soul

Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul

Healthy Pregnancy

How my First Pregnancy Taught me the True Meaning of Health

Nutritionkellypuryear4 Comments

I WAS a health freak and perfectionist. As a former athlete, a personal trainer, and a Dietitian, I used to pride myself in being the epitome of health and sought out to make a career out of helping others achieve “optimal health.” The problem was, however, that I didn’t even know what the true meaning of “health” was for me, and I was actually very unhealthy for a very long time … That was until I became pregnant with my first child and my “perfect” world was thrown upside down (for the better) and I was smacked in the face with the undeniable truth behind the word “healthy.” If I haven’t lost your attention yet and you find yourself in a similar boat, read on to learn how my first pregnancy taught me the true meaning of health.

Free Fitness Friday: Low Intensity Lower Body Workout (Second Trimester)

Workout, Fitnesskellypuryear2 Comments

Happy Friday, fit friends! Here is another FUN and FAST workout for you to strengthen your lower body in no time at all! The best part is that you don't need tons of fancy equipment or time to fit in a great workout with this Low Intensity Lower Body Workout and it is easily modified for my pregnant momma's (second trimester). That's right, now that y'all know I am pregnant, you will be seeing more workouts that are easily modifiable for any fitness level and any stage in pregnancy!