Fuel for the Soul

Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul

Maintain Don't Gain

Nutrition Tip: Top Tips to Maintain, Don't Gain over the Holidays


The Holiday season brings so much joy and happiness to so many people, but with the joyous celebrations often come high-calorie, sugar-loaded foods and beverages which often lead to the infamous Holiday Weight Gain! Have no fear! I have some great and simple nutrition tips to help you avoid gaining weight throughout the Holiday season while still enjoying the foods and family you love!

Nutrition Tip Tuesday: Top Tips to Maintain, Don't Gain over the Holidays Part 2


Hello again, it’s Kelly Puryear here and I am back to give you some more Healthy Holiday Tips to help you Maintain, Don’t Gain over the Holiday Season. We are half way through December already and that means we are half way through the Holiday Season! Hopefully you all have been able to use my first five tips so far and have been able to keep the Holiday weight gain at bay. As part of the Maintain, Don’t Gain Program, I have 5 more tips to help you get through the rest of the Holiday Season and start the New Year off right!