I've been asked countless times about what is the "healthiest snack bar" to eat? and what is the "best protein bar" to have before a workout? and what is the "best meal replacement bar" to eat when I am too busy for a real meal? With the massive amounts of different types of bars on the market these days, it can be very overwhelming when it comes to picking the BEST options on the shelf! Today I am going to share with you a Dietitian-approved list of the BEST (healthy) bars in the bizz!
So many options! Which one do I choose?!
As a dietetic intern under the fabulous and brilliant Abigail Dougherty (RDN/LDN), we compiled a list of our favorite snack bars, energy bars, and meal replacement bars and I have added on to this list with a few of my personal favorites!
In the wise words of Abigail, "the first thing you want to look at here is the ingredient list! You’ll find out a lot about the bar! You want the ingredient list to read like more of a recipe than a science experiment." In April, we came up with the best in nutrition in three categories, 1) “add to it” bar, 2) the snack/energy bar and 3) the protein bar. Today, I am adding a fourth category - the meal replacement bar, which is an awesome option when you are on the go and "too busy" to eat a real meal.
You can read our collaborative blog post from April and watch her AWESOME New's Segment on Abigail's website (The Soul of Health) but here's the summary with my new additions!
Top FOOD and Nutrition Bars:
1) The “Add to it” Bar:
For the best “add to it bar” grab a That’s It Bar.
Why, do I call them “add to it”? Because by themselves, these bars are just fruit (literally the ingredients are FRUIT) and may leave you feeling hungry again in 30 minutes. But when you add a handful of almonds or a tablespoon or two of almond butter or peanut butter they make a perfect sized snack and a winning combo of clean carbs, protein and healthy fat!
I also would include the mini Health Warrior Chia Bar in this category
2) Top Snack & Energy Bar:
Okay, so my picks are Square Bar, Lara and Pure Organic Bars!
Perfect for an on-the-go energy boost and thse are GREAT options for the kids. I love these bars specifically because of the clean and short ingredient list AND because they are the perfect blend of carbs, protein and healthy fat.
3) Top Protein Bar:
Okay, the RXBar and Rise Bar wins the taste and health award!!!
The protein in RXBars comes from egg whites and the ingredients are short enough to fit on the front of the bar. The Rise Bars are just as awesome with only 3-5 clean ingredients and high quality protein to rebuild muscle tissue after a tough workout! You can find all of these bars at Publix, Whole Foods, or online and have them delivered directly to you!
And last but not least.... 4) Top Meal Replacement Bar:
The winners are Perfect Bar and G2G Bar!! Hands down the best whole foods meal replacement bars in the bizz!
I picked two tasty and filling bars because they have whole food ingredients, allowing your body to use the food directly as energy instead of having to break down a bunch of foreign chemicals. You can also find these bars at Whole Foods or online!
As their saying goes... "it's just perfect"
And that's a wrap! A collaborative effort from two local dietitians and a complete list of our picks for the BEST healthy bars in the bizz!
Hope this week's Nutrition Tip helped answer some of your questions. Please feel free to contact me with any questions / comments / concerns in the comments section!