Fuel for the Soul

Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul

Free Fitness Friday: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders Dumbbell Workout (prenatal approved)

Fitness, WorkoutkellypuryearComment

Happy Friday, fit friends! Here is another FUN and FAST workout for you to strengthen your upper body in no time at all! The best part is that you don't need tons of fancy equipment or time to fit in a great workout with this Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders Dumbbell Workout and it is easily modifiable for any fitness level and any stage in pregnancy!

This Week's Free Workout: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders Dumbbell Workout

chest tri and shoulders dumbbell prenatal workout

How to perform this Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders Dumbbell Workout: 

This workout is very simple to set up (all you need is a pair of light-weight dumbbells and a foam mat or yoga mat) and can be done in any timeframe that you have (anywhere from 15-30 minutes), but should be done at a fast-pace and with minimal rest. You can even fit this circuit in at the end of a workout for an extra calorie burn! Complete all exercises in a row for 1 round, rest for 1 minute, then begin with the first exercise for round 2. Complete as many rounds as you can in the time you have! (Try for 3-6 rounds!) ** For my pregnant mommas - please be sure to maintain a conversation pace and focus on balance and form (not speed). You should be able to carry a conversation throughout this workout and rest for 1-2 minutes between sets. Aim for 2-3 sets. Always begin with a full body warm-up for 10 minutes (walking or spinning) and cool down for at least 5 minutes following this workout. Always consult with your Doctor before beginning an exercise routine and get cleared for exercise before attempting these workouts. ** 

As always, be sure to warm up before beginning the first round and cool down and stretch when you are finished.

Round 1:

  • 15 tricep push-ups (modify with push-ups on your knees) 
  • 15 bent-over reverse flyes
  • 15 tricep kickbacks
  • 15 standing shoulder press
  • 15 over-head tricep extension (with 1 weight) 

Check out this short video to see how each exercise is performed and to ensure that you have proper form throughout each exercise!

And that's a wrap! A quick, yet effective workout that targets your chest, triceps, and shoulders in no time at all! I know this fitbump felt great after this workout and I know you will too! 

Have a wonderful workout and a great weekend ahead!