Fuel for the Soul

Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul

Free Fitness Friday: Lower Body TRX Workout

Fitness, WorkoutkellypuryearComment

Happy Friday, fit friends! Here is another FUN and FAST workout for you to blast some serious calories and strengthen your lower body and cardiovascular system! The best part is that you don't need tons of fancy equipment or time to fit in a great workout with this TRX workout!

This week's Free Fitness Friday: Lower Body TRX Workout

Lower Body TRX Workout

This workout is very simple to set up (all you need is a TRX system or similar straps) and can be done in anytime frame that you have (anywhere from 15-30 minutes), but should be done at a fast-pace and with minimal rest. You can even fit this workout in at the end of a workout for an extra calorie burn! Complete all exercises in a row for 1 round, rest for 1 minute, then begin with the first exercise for round 2. Complete as many rounds as you can in the time you have! (Try for 4-6 rounds!)

As always, be sure to warm up before beginning the first round and cool down and stretch when you are finished.

Round 1:

  • 20 TRX Jumping Squats
  • 40 TRX Skaters (20 each side)
  • 20 right leg TRX hops (similar to a jumping reverse lunge)
  • 20 left leg TRX hops (similar to a jumping reverse lunge)

Check out this short video to see how each exercise is performed and to ensure that you have proper form throughout each exercise!

Phew! Now that is one FUN and FAST workout that will really get your heart rate up and your legs burning! Three simple exercises and your workout is complete!!

Have a great workout and a wonderful weekend ahead!