Hooray! It's already Friday, it's already September, and it's already the half-way point of my first Dietetic Internship Rotation! Time sure is flying by, and while I do not feel that I have a lot of "free time" right now, I will always make time for a quick "Free Fitness Friday" work-out! Especially if it takes about 20 minutes to complete!
This week's Free Fitness Friday workout: Full Body Tabata (20 minutes):
Rope slams never felt so good! (Photo compliments of DAPhotospot)
The workout is very simple and involves 4 dynamic exercises for a full body burn! As always, be sure to warm up for 3-5 minutes before starting the timer and cool down and stretch after you complete the last round!
1 Round:
1. Jump Rope
2. Bosu Ball Push-Ups
3. Bosu Ball Sit-Ups
4. Rope Slams
Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Rest for 1 minute between rounds and repeat for 5-6 rounds.
Check out my demonstration video to see how each exercise is performed!
I can't wait to head to my gym after clinical tomorrow and kick the long-weekend off with this quick, calorie-blasting workout!
Hope you will "join me" and I hope you have a wonderful long-weekend!