Fuel for the Soul

Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul

Free Fitness Friday: TRX Full Body Workout #2

Fitness, WorkoutkellypuryearComment

Happy Friday, friends! It's Friday and I am super happy today since today marks my sixth week of the Dietetic Internship and my last day at the Long-Term Care facility. While I am sad to leave the residents at the facility, I am looking forward to my next rotation at Lakewood Ranch Medical Center for my Acute Care inpatient rotation!

I am also looking forward to the end of the work day so I can get myself to the gym for another high-intensity TRX Full Body Workout! For this Free Fitness Friday workout, you will need a TRX strap set (or a similar piece of equipment), a box or sturdy chair, and may want a yoga mat for some of the exercises. This workout can be performed as its own AMRAP-style workout or added to the end of another full body workout to exhaust the muscle fibers and maximize the training results! Either way, I know you will burn some serious calories and may actually have fun while doing it!

This week's Free Fitness Friday workout: TRX Full Body Workout #2

For this workout, perform each exercise for the prescribed number of repetitions and move onto the next exercise with minimal rest in between. Complete exercises 1-5 with no rest between each exercise, then rest for 30-60 seconds before starting back at exercise #1. Repeat exercises 1-5 for 4-5 rounds (or AMRAP in 30 minutes).

Here is the workout:

1. TRX Single leg box squat (10 reps each leg)
2. TRX Bicep curl ups (10 reps)
3. TRX Tricep overhead extensions (10 reps)
4. TRX hamstring curls (10 reps)
5. TRX mountain climbers (30 seconds)

Here is the video to demonstrate how to perform each exercise. Be sure to use proper form when completing each exercise and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!

Happy Free Fitness Friday, friends ... and have a great weekend ahead! I know I will have a wonderful weekend in Nashville for FNCE with great RD mentors and wonderful friends in the field of nutrition and dietetics!