Fuel for the Soul

Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul

resistance training

Free Fitness Friday: March Madness Lower-Body Resistance Band Workout

Fitness, WorkoutkellypuryearComment

It's the second Friday of March and time for the second "March Madness" Free Fitness Friday Workout! As I mentioned last week, I will be sharing some awesome workouts that you can complete anytime and anywhere to help you fit daily exercise into your busy schedule! Let's embrace the "madness" with this week's Free Fitness Friday: March Madness Lower-Body Resistance Band Workout

Free Fitness Friday: Heart-Healthy Kettle Bell Workout

Fitness, WorkoutkellypuryearComment

February is American Heart Month and I am joining the American Heart Association in raising awareness about Heart Disease! The good news is that you don't have to spend hours pounding on the treadmill in order to achieve the cardiovascular benefits of exercise. This month, I will show you various resistance training workouts that are quick and effective and will improve your cardiovascular fitness! No "cardio machine" required! Here's the first workout of the month!